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How to prepare your skin for aesthetic procedures?

Preparing the skin before aesthetic procedures is key to achieving the best results and reducing the risk of possible complications. Whether you’re getting ready for photo-rejuvenation, injectables, or anything else, following a few important steps before your procedure can make a big difference. In this post, we will provide you with guidance on how to prepare your skin for aesthetic procedures.

1. Consultation with an expert

First of all, it is important to have a consultation with a licensed and qualified esthetician. He will listen to you and determine what procedures are best for you, taking into account your wishes and the condition of your skin. Consultation with the expert is the first step towards proper preparation.

2. Choosing the right skin care products

Depending on the type of cosmetic procedure you plan to have, there will be specific pre- and post-procedure care requirements. Your specialist will recommend suitable products for cleaning and hydrating your skin. Gentle cleansers and moisturizers, without harsh ingredients such as alcohol or alpha-hydroxy acids, are usually recommended.

3. Prepare your skin by exfoliating

In some cases, your face may be better prepared for the procedure after exfoliation. This can help to remove dead skin cells and improve its texture and tone. It is important to choose gentle exfoliation products and not to do it in the last days before the procedure.

4. Avoid the sun and the use of hot water

Before the aesthetic procedure, you should avoid exposing the skin to direct sunlight and solariums, as this can increase the risk of irritation and pigmentary changes after the procedure. Also, avoid hot showers and baths, which can expand pores and increase skin sensitivity.

5. Preparation of the home environment

If you will need a recovery period after the procedure, prepare your home environment remarkably. Stock up on the necessary post-procedure care products and create a cozy and calm environment where you can recover comfortably.

Proper preparation of the skin before aesthetic procedures is important for optimal results and to reduce the risk of unwanted effects. Follow your esthetician’s advice and instructions for best results and safety.

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