Project Description
LPG endermology is a system that uses a mechanical method to achieve the effect of manual anti-cellulite massages. As a technique, it is carried out with a special device that moves the fabrics through a system of rotating rollers. They cause a regulated vacuum, lifting and sucking the skin, the purpose of which is to strengthen the venous and lymphatic circulation; breaking down fat deposits and accelerating the evacuation of degraded fat cells from the body. The result is a reduction of cellulite, a reduction in circumference, a well-shaped and tight figure.
Optimal results are achieved with a package of 12-20 procedures with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. The first results are observed after the 7-8th procedure, when visible smoothing of the skin and reduction of circles begins. To maintain the result after the main package of procedures, several procedures per month are recommended. Procedure duration 30 min. half body and 50 min. full body.
*The procedure is performed with a leotard, which is paid additionally once.
LPG massage helps with:
Shaping the silhouette;
Sagging skin;
Recovery after pregnancy;
Swollen legs;
Lazy bowels;
Localized fat;
Venous insufficiency;
In sports medicine;
The advantages of LPG:
- Non-invasive /non-surgical, therefore there is no risk of infection, no scars and no recovery/
- Painless method / extremely relaxing and anti-stress therapy.
- Proven successful / for Fibrous Cellulite, Local fats, swollen legs, loose skin, sluggish intestines, venous insufficiency, after pregnancy, Anti-aging, scars, burns, for sports injuries, muscle and joint pains/
LPG anti-cellulite massages to fight cellulite