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Get in the TOP shape of your life! (Копие)

I used to think that I couldn’t love myself because I was overweight. But the truth is, I was overweight because I didn’t love myself. When we start to love and respect ourselves, the excess weight automatically disappears. The foundation we lay is solid. The entire market teaches us how to train, how to eat healthily, and I even promote the available weight loss procedures. Yes, these tools work flawlessly, but the bricks and solid foundations with which we build our beautiful houses (our bodies) need to be stable and strong; otherwise, even the smallest storm in our lives can cause it to collapse. That’s why we need to start building from the front to the back, not the other way around. From what isn’t talked about—namely, our thoughts and internal rules that we follow all our lives without realizing it. Even if we are in perfect shape, we don’t appreciate it and will always be greedy for more and more, and our successes will never be enough for us. Say STOP to repeating patterns and mediocre living. Move to the next level.  

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